Thursday, 17 June 2010

The Fancy Dress Day by Libby Nolan

On the 16th of June our whole school had to dress up for the Book Fair. We had to dress up as a book character or a blizzard which means we had to dress up into something wintery. Everyone looked so awesome. At different times our classes went to the Book Fair in the music room. There were some really interesting books and some really cool books. Some people wanted heaps of them. We all got a wish list to write our books we had wished for. Everyone was so excited. In our class there was a Mad Hatter, Where’s Wally, Harry Potter, Dragons, Unicorns, Willy Wonka, Tin Tin, Dorothy and some All White players. There were heaps of other different characters. We all did Jump Jam in our costumes. Some of their parents were there watching us. Some of us got really hot in our costumes. Mr Webster had dressed up in his snow gear and he must have been really hot. Mrs Dustin was Scooby Doo, Mrs Milne was a Musketeer, Catherine was Cat in the Hat and Mr Mills was Mr Twit. Catherine and Debbie had set up the book fair. They did a really good job.


  1. Great job Room 7 - I really enjoyed watching you all doing jump jam in your amazing costumes. I am looking forward to seeing all of the books in the Book Fair. I bet Mr Webster wished there was snow in the playground so he could have gone skiing!

  2. Well done Libby, what a great article on the Book Fair Dress Up! Written like a true professional and your outfit - well... you look so cool. You really look the part! Excellent work.

  3. Hi Libby you have done an excellent job and it is amazing what you have done with the photos that Mr. Webster took. See you at school today. Ella
    Great job Libby - you all look fantastic; Chris & Jo Phayer

  4. Hi Libby you have done an excellent job and it is amazing what you have done with the photos that Mr. Webster took. See you at school today. Ella
    Great job Libby - you all look fantastic; Chris & Jo Phayer

  5. Hi Libby we are very proud of what you have written we really enjoyed reading your story .you looked so good dressed up. Keep up the good nan & grandad

  6. Well done Room 7 - you all look amazing!

    Libby you look sooo cool as the Mad Hatter!

    Make sure you keep posting to your site so I and my friends here in London can see what you have been up to!
